What is WebClient
WebClient is your virtual office, where you can find all the necessary tools to successfully fulfill your daily tasks and stay in touch with your colleagues. To access WebClient, create an account and log in (see First steps into WebClient).
Figure. Main screen.
Main menu 
In this menu there is a list of IceWarp products available for you.
IceWarp Applications
New button 
The New button opens a drop-down menu to create a new item: Email, Conference, Appointment, Note, Document, Spreadsheet, Presentation, Email Template, Contact, Distribution List, Task, Room.
Navigation bar 
ChatGPT icon
opens all conversations with AI
Followed icon
opens a list of followed TeamChat rooms. You can see new activity notifications
Chat icon
opens a list of contacts. Double-click a contact to send the instant message. Click
to start a conference immediately. Click ☰ to open more options and see the contact details
Calendar icon
opens your calendar
Upload center
opens the list of files and documents uploaded through the instant messaging
Avatar shows your status and opens User settings
User settings 
The user settings menu allows to customize your WebClient view, set two step verification, open Options menu with more advanced settings, etc. See Quick Options.
Search bar 
The search bar allows to search within the selected folder. Type the word and click or choose an option from the Search Wizard. Its content changes according to the folder type.
Favorite items 
Click the button to get quick access to your favorite folders, files, etc.
Menu bar 
Menu bar contains dynamic elements for managing general and specific actions. The view of the icons depends on the IceWarp product (Mail, TeamChat, Files & Documents, etc.) you are using at the moment.
Figure. Menu bar with options enabled for 1 - Mail and 2 - Files & Documents.
General icons:
Print. Opens printing settings (can be used to save the email in pdf)
Delete. Deletes the item
Empty folder. Deletes all items in the folder
Add folder. See How to create a new folder
More. Opens a list with various actions with folders
Additionally, there are buttons, that appear or disappear as you navigate the IceWarp products in the Dashboard.
Folder types in folder tree
There are different types of folders to sort your emails.
Figure. Folder tree.
Yours : Folders which only you can access. Any private or confidential material should be stored in these folders. You can, however, grant specific users rights (read, write, all and full) by clicking the Sharing and Permissions from the Context Menu.
Public : Folders that do not belong to a particular user. Rather, they contain files that everyone with the appropriate permission can access. The permissions are Read, Write, All and Full. Group Folders are created by Administrators or users with appropriate permissions.
Shared : Shared by user.